Swallowing is a set of coordinated muscle movements that control the mouth, the back of the throat (pharynx) and the food tube (esophagus). Swallowing occurs without us even thinking about it, yet it is a complex and vital function; it is very important to eating and to social interaction. The term “swallowing disorders” includes a number of different conditions. If you have any unexplained pain or difficulty swallowing, see your gastroenterologist for a definitive diagnosis.
Dysphagia or swallowing difficulty is a growing health concern in our aging population. Age-related changes in swallowing physiology as well as age-related diseases are predisposing factors for dysphagia in the elderly. In the US, dysphagia affects 300,000–600,000 persons yearly. The patient may be at risk of aspirating food or saliva into the lungs, creating a potentially life-threatening medical condition.
Our Dysphagia treatment program is crucial to recovery. The treatment helps to train the patient, family, or both to implement compensatory strategies that may involve exercises to improve oral control or to improve the overall strength, coordination, and initiation of the oropharyngeal swallow. In addition, compensatory training helps to educate the patient to implement strategies for further reduction of aspiration risk. These strategies may serve as a viable option for the patient to continue feedings by mouth and as a method for improving their overall quality of life.
Tel: 305.232.3979
Fax: 305.232.5017
Email: info@qualicarefirst.com
Address: 7750 SW 117 Avenue, Ste. 307
Miami, FL 33183
Monday – Friday: 9:00 – 5:00
On Call: 365 Days a Year 24/7