Aphasia is a neurological disorder that results from damage to the areas of the brain that control language functions. This condition refers to a person’s inability or significantly hindered ability to perform basic physical and mental motor skills. Our Aphasia therapy program at Qualicare Home Health aims to improve the patient’s ability to communicate by helping him or her to use remaining language abilities, restores language abilities as much as possible, compensate for language problems, and learn other methods of communicating. These individualized therapy methods help to focus on the specific needs of the patient, and also help their family to learn to use new communication skills.
Tel: 305.232.3979
Fax: 305.232.5017
Email: info@qualicarefirst.com
Address: 7750 SW 117 Avenue, Ste. 307
Miami, FL 33183
Monday – Friday: 9:00 – 5:00
On Call: 365 Days a Year 24/7