A skilled nursing home is an institution that offers one of the best forms of care for the elderly outside hospitals. At QualiCare, we are filled with a variety of medical staff, from doctors to nurses and others who are trained to attend to the needs and preferences of the elderly.
At QualiCare, our skilled nursing facility provides care and accommodation for people who struggle with control problems on the daily. Residents include seniors and young adults with mental or physical disabilities as well as residents who are suffering from illness or accidents.
We offer a variety of therapies that tailor to your specific needs in order to improve your quality of life. If you or a loved one are looking for an experienced nursing home, QualiCare is a great choice! When considering our skilled nursing facility, get to know us better by asking us your questions about the following:
First, if you are interested to learn more about the services we offer, the best thing to do would be to contact us to find out that information. By getting to know us and our team, you can feel more comfortable as well as more knowledgeable about our events, menus, schedules, and other services!
Task-oriented and resident-centered care is provided for nursing home residents. Task-based care involves assigning nurses to specific tasks within a district. Residents deal with a number of nurses at a time. Resident-oriented care includes assigning nurses to certain patients so that relations can be developed. Patients are treated more as family members, instead of clients. Nurses can become familiar with each patient and pay attention to crucial needs that could be medical, emotional or personal. Knowledge of the nurse and patient interaction is another important part of choosing QualiCare as your facility.
Skilled nursing home costs are usually very high. Medicare coverage usually includes meals, rooms, various therapies, medications, equipment and certain services. The home must be Medicare certified. Private insurance is usually available for costs not paid by Medicare. Or service must pay for amenities, such as meals, rooms, doctor visits, medications, and therapies.
When choosing a facility, a recommendation is to review their accreditation verification in addition to the annual inspection. The report lists the areas within the facility which needs to be improved. Accreditation is important to ensure that the quality of care is maintained.
Many people are getting older and approaching retirement years. All types of federal programs and nursing facilities are designed to offer the best quality and general medical care. Choosing a reliable facility is an important issue that must be addressed by aging individuals and their families.
At QualiCare, it is our greatest mission to help the elderly and disabled patients reach and sustain their independence and self-reliance. As a professional institute, and sighting the recent focus of the United States government about reducing spending on healthcare, hospital readmissions are a costly proposition. The integration of hospital and ambulatory care is the key to reducing readmissions. Formal or strong informal relations between hospitals and the local primary care providers, such as Home Healthcare Agencies, will improve outcomes for patients and reduces the costs associated with health care spending.
Qualicare Home Health Care offers the unique ability to provide health care treatments which were previously only available in a hospital or doctor’s office to receive in the comfort of your home. Qualicare home health care offers a long list of services that are often less expensive, more convenient than and as effective as the care that you would receive in a hospital or skilled nursing facility. In general, the goal of home health care is to provide treatment for an illness or injury. For our patients, we are committed to improving patient access to much-needed health care. In doing so, we focus on minimizing the devastating personal consequences of illness, accident or disability in our patients and their families.
For more information about skilled nursing visits, please contact
Qualicare Home Health
Address: 18001 Old Cutler Rd Ste 454 Miami, FL 33157
Phone: 1-(305)-232-3979
Website: www.qualicarefirst.com
Email: info@qualicarefirst.com
Tel: 305.232.3979
Fax: 305.232.5017
Email: info@qualicarefirst.com
Address: 18001 Old Cutler Rd
Ste 454 Miami FL, 33157
Monday – Friday: 9:00 – 5:00
On Call: 365 Days a Year 24/7