Medical Care and Post-Surgical Care

Post-surgical care is extremely important for elderly patients, and should be an immediate priority. The period of post-surgical care begins when you leave the operating room and it ends when your doctor or surgeon no longer needs to follow up on the consequences of the procedure. Of course, there is no hard-and-fast rule here; Post-surgical care period varies from case to case.

Procedures such as appendectomies or vasectomies require relatively little post-surgical care. Other operations, including heart surgery, brain surgery and even some complex elective procedures such as liposuction or rhinoplasty, require post-surgical care that could continue for weeks or months.

It is important to note that the post-surgical care can comprise a wide range of medical monitoring, test, and consultation. While checking the post-surgical care at Qualicare Home Health, we will be your condition to ensure that the infection does not mean that you do not do anything that may jeopardize the success of the operation at risk and that the procedure itself was, in fact, be successful.

Post Operative Nursing Care

Before undergoing surgery, ask your doctor which will involve the post-surgical care. This will give you time to prepare in advance. Your doctor may be a part of their instructions to reconsider after surgery, based on how your operation and how well you are recovering.

Prepared in advance

Ask many questions as possible before surgery, and ask for updated instructions before you are discharged from the hospital. Many hospitals provide written discharge instructions.

Ask questions your doctor if:

  • How long should I expect to stay in the hospital?
  • Will I need special supplies or medicines when I go home?
  • I need a nurse or physical therapist if I go home?
  • What side effects can I expect?
  • What complications should I look?
  • What should I do and not do to support my recovery?
  • When can I resume normal activities?

The answers to these questions can help you to prepare in advance. If you anticipate needing help from a caregiver, arrange for your surgery. It is also important to learn how to prevent, recognize and respond to possible complications.

Depending on the type of surgery is, there are many potential complications that may arise. For example, many surgeries put patients at risk of infection, bleeding at the surgical site and blood clots due to inactivity. Prolonged inactivity can also cause you to lose some of your muscle and the development of respiratory complications. Ask your doctor for more information about the possible complications of your specific procedure.

Post-surgical care in Hospital

After the surgery is complete, you will be moved to a recovery room. You will probably stay there for a few hours while you wake up from anesthesia. You feel groggy when you wake up. Some people also feel nauseous.

While you’re in the recovery room, the staff will check your blood pressure, respiration, temperature and heart rate. They may ask you to take a deep breath to assess your lung function. They can check your surgical site for signs of bleeding or infection.

They will also look for signs of an allergic reaction. For many types of surgery, will be placed under general anesthesia. Anesthesia can cause an allergic reaction in some people.

Once you are stable, you will be moved to a hospital room if you are staying overnight, or you will be moved elsewhere to start your resignation.

Outpatient Surgery

Outpatient surgery is also known as the same day surgery. Unless you show signs of postoperative problems, you will be discharged on the same day as your procedure. You do not need to stay overnight.

Before you are discharged, you must demonstrate that you are able to breathe normally, are drinking and urinating. You will not be allowed to drive immediately following surgery with anesthesia. Make sure you arrange transport home, preferably in advance. You may feel groggy the next day.

Inpatient Surgery

If you clinical surgery, you need to stay in the hospital at night to continue to receive post-surgical care. It may be necessary to stay for a few days or longer. In some cases, patients originally scheduled for ambulatory surgery signs of complications and should be recognized for continuing care.

Your post-surgical care will continue after you have carried out the initial recovery room. You’ll probably still have an intravenous (IV) catheter in your arm, a finger device that measures oxygen levels in your blood, and a dressing on your surgical site. Depending on the type of surgery you had, you can also have a respirator, a heart rate monitor, and a tube in your mouth, nose or bladder.

Post Operative Patient Care

The hospital staff will continue to monitor your vital signs. They can also give you painkillers or other medications through your IV, by injection or orally. Depending on your condition, they may ask you to stand up and walk around. You may need help to do this. Moving will help reduce your chances of developing blood clots. It may also help to maintain your muscle strength. You may be asked to do deep breathing exercises or forced cough to respiratory system to prevent complications.

It is our greatest mission to help the elderly and disabled patients reach and sustain their independence and self-reliance. As a professional institute and sighting the recent focus of the United States government about reducing spending on healthcare, hospital readmissions are a costly proposition. The integration of hospital and ambulatory care is the key to reducing readmissions. Formal or strong informal relations between hospitals and the local primary care providers, such as Home Healthcare Agencies, will improve outcomes for patients and reduces the costs associated with health care spending.

Qualicare Home Health Care offers the unique ability to provide health care treatments which were previously only available in a hospital or doctor’s office to receive in the comfort of your home. Qualicare home health care offers a long list of services that are often less expensive, more convenient than and as effective as the care that you would receive in a hospital or skilled nursing facility. In general, the goal of home health care is to provide treatment for an illness or injury. For our patients, we are committed to improving patient access to much-needed health care. In doing so, we focus on minimizing the devastating personal consequences of illness, accident or disability in our patients and their families.

For more information about mental / post-surgical care, please contact

Qualicare Home Health

Address: 18001 Old Cutler Rd Ste 454 Miami, FL 33157

Phone: 1-(305)-232-3979





Contact Us

Tel: 305.232.3979

Fax: 305.232.5017


Address: 18001 Old Cutler Rd
Ste 454 Miami FL, 33157

Monday – Friday: 9:00 – 5:00
On Call: 365 Days a Year 24/7





Qualicare Home Health provides the unique opportunity to receive health care treatments that were previously only offered in a hospital or doctor’s office, in the comfort of your home.

   •  Medicare Long Term Provider
   •  Medicaid Certified
   •  Private Duty

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